Sunday, March 13, 2011

Finding My "Want To" (Chpt. 1)

As promised, here is the first set of personal reflection questions from "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst, along with my answers to those questions!

1.) One weight loss company personifies craving as a little orange monster that chases us around, tempting us to eat unhealthy foods. Take a moment to reflect on your own experience of craving, recently and over time.
     a.) If you could personify craving based on your experience of it, what form might it take? Would it be like the little orange monster or would it take a different shape? Describe what your craving looks like and how it behaves.
     For me, craving is probably a lot like that little monster. I decide to do better, put away the snacks, then I realize some event or get together is coming up, and I decide to let that be my splurge day, but once I've made up in my mind to have a splurge, then I have several of them. Then I wait to start getting healthy because I want to indulge at said events or get togethers - and those are never-ending! Craving nags at me about .254837 seconds after I decide to stop eating unhealthy foods.

     b.) If you could sit down and have a conversation with this imaginary craving, what do you think it might say to you? What questions would you want to ask it? How do you imagine it might respond?
     It would promise satisfaction, but secretly it would know that satisfaction is VERY temporary, and only lasts until the next craving hits. I would ask it why me?! I imagine it would respond by telling me how great it really is and that it is my friend, helping me recognize what "really" tastes good.

2.) How do you respond to the idea that God made us to crave? Have you ever pursued a craving - a longing, passion, or desire - that made a positive contribution to your life? What do you think distinguishes that kind of craving from the craving that leads you to eat in unhealthy ways?
     I think this idea makes sense to me. How would I ever dig deeper into His truth and His will and purpose for my life without craving it? Cravings make me crazy for whatever the object is. If I'm craving something, I can't get enough of it. It would make sense that God made to crave Him - I won't be able to get enough of Him. I think I've only identified craving as a negative thing thus far in life. When I crave unhealthy things, I'm leaning on my own strength, and putting things before God, when I'm craving God - then I'm desiring to make Him my focus in Sustainer, Healer, Comforter.

3.) If it's true that we are made to crave, how might it change the way you understand your cravings? Do you believe there could be any benefits to listening to your cravings rather than trying to silence them? If so, what might those benefits be? If not, why not?
     I will be able to focus my attention on God, and scripture. I will fulfill my hungry soul with the Bread of Life as opposed to junk food that only fills my belly. I believe there will be many benefits to listening to my cravings and directing them toward God. I will grow closer to Him, be better able to recognize and serve Him. My life will glorify God more by my obedience - and I will be open to receive only the strength that He can give me.

4.) The Bible describes three ways Satan tried to lure us away from loving God: cravings, lust of the eyes, and boasting (1 John 2:15-16). Lysa explains how Satan used these tactics with both Eve and Jesus. Using the list below, think back over the last twenty-four hours or the last few days to see if you recognize how you may have been tempted in similar ways.
     a.) Cravings: meeting physical desires outside the will of God. In what ways were you tempted by desires for things such as food, alcohol, drugs, or sex? I am addicted to food. I have struggled with other addictions before - cigarettes, drugs, and even sex. I've used drugs to make me feel better, sex to make me feel loved/accepted, and cigarettes for stress relief and to be "cool". I am proud to say that I am sex, drug, and cigarette free. I am not over my addiction to food. In fact, it rules my thoughts and actions. I eat to celebrate, I eat to destress, I eat when I'm angry. I turn to food for comfort and even companionship. Like food is the answer to all things wrong in my life. Then I feel guilty for my physical appearance and lack of energy, so I vow to do better - after tomorrow's big shindig, because I want some of the treats there.
     b.) Lust of the eyes: meeting material desires outside of the will of God. In what ways were you tempted by desires for material things - clothing, financial portfolio, appliances, vacation plans, cosmetics, home decor, electronics, etc.? Well my current struggle is home decor. I seem to think the right decor will make my house a home. I am trying to get out of debt, and yet I am willing to sacrifice debt free living to decorating my house the "right" way.
     c.) Boasting: meeting needs for significance outside of the will of God. In what ways were you tempted by desires to prop up your significance - perhaps by name dropping, exaggerating, feigning humility or other virtues, doing something just because you knew it would be observed by others, etc.? I need to think on this one - I'm not claiming innocence, but nothing comes to mind...I tend to think I'll be more significant if I loose weight and look better.

Of the three kinds of temptations, which is the most difficult for you to resist? Which is the easiest to resist? Why?
     Cravings is the hardest for me to resist, because I want comfort and use food to comfort me and fill the void - but it only lasts temporary, so I'm feeling stuck in a vicious cycle. Easiest would be boasting, I think. I truly enjoy helping people to help them and to honor God. I want to be the hands, I want to live the action of love, not just say I have it/give it.

5.) Jesus quotes the truth of Scripture to defeat temptation. Have you ever used Scripture in this way? What was the result? How do you feel about the idea of using this approach to address your unhealthy eating patterns?
     I have thought to a time or two, but unfortunately it seems like I give in to temptation or rely on myself more than God or His Word to get through it. I want to change this pattern of failure. I believe using Scripture to guide me on toward victory in Christ is a beautiful gift from God!

That's it for tonight! I'll be back tomorrow!

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